Be Aware. Be Informed. Be Empowered.

Be Aware.
Be Informed.
Be Empowered.

Privacy Parent provides resources & information to help make the internet safe, private & secure for children.

Protecting Personal and Behavioral Data from Corporations

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Digital Basics

The following links will give you quick overview of our site, including links to essential info and online tools to get you started.

Privacy Checklist

An interactive list of DO's & DON'Ts to assess your privacy skills.

Must Reads

Essential articles offering information & practical tips.

Conversation Starter

Questions to help you think about your relationship with the internet.

Glossary of Terms

Definitions of common terms related to tech & privacy

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It’s taken years, but an American administration is finally starting to take privacy seriously. Today... Continue >
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This site typically focuses on privacy as it pertains to (or how it is undermined... Continue >
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Lots of scams this time of year, lots of opportunities to make a quick slip... Continue >
AI-generated photographs, real or fake?
Seeing may not be believing any longer. AI-generated photos are quickly blurring the line between... Continue >
Have you ever been doxxed? Is someone out there doxxing a friend now? It’s in... Continue >
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Increasing numbers of people are questioning whether significant use of Facebook and Instagram is good... Continue >