With schools closed for the foreseeable future, your kids will be spending more time online than ever, completing school assignments remotely, playing games and staying in touch with friends. It will be largely up to you to keep them safe. Seekadoo, a kid-friendly search engine, can help.
Install it on your kids’ device for free and know their searches won’t lead them to wildly inappropriate results. You can download Seekadoo here.
Seekadoo is an app or extension with a built-in kid-friendly search engine that allows young people to explore their curiosity and seals off the internet’s dark corners. Full disclosure: Seekadoo is a product of this site’s parent company, which typically offers it for an annual fee. During this period of lockdowns and quarantines, that fee is waived.
All of the websites kids can access through Seekadoo have been vetted by the development team—real people who care about kids. Neither Seekadoo nor its parent company, Blindcut, collects any user data. Seekadoo doesn’t not sell user data to anyone, doesn’t accept advertising or disguise ads as top search results.
It does provide kids with a safe, secure search engine that’s fun to use. It’s customizable, interactive, far-reaching and constantly improving. Kids use it the way the would use a firewall-protected search engine at school: Type a subject into the search field, peruse the results, do it again. The search field remains at the top of the screen, reducing the need to flip back and forth between pages. Other services don’t do it this way. They’re websites that provide search capability and operate within a standard browser. It’s cumbersome and all too easy to slip beyond the restrictions of the supposedly safe search. While kids enjoy it, parents can trust it.
To reiterate: Seekadoo is safe and fun for kids and uncluttered with ads. No pop-ups, no tricks, no emails filling your inbox. And, while COVID-19 keeps schools shuttered, it’s free.